Tuesday, 31 March 2015


The power in us is enough for our greatness,but our mind towards it ridicule the mighty in us.
Individuals are greatly endowed to be important fellows by nature (God) and that is why when WORKS OF CREATION has come to an end, He looked down and said ALL ARE GOOD but we choose a part seems too good on our sight, not considering that there is POWER in us for our greatness.
The powers are in the following forms;
 WORDS UTTERED: Most of the time, the words we uttered are negatives words which prevents us from our greatness in the sense that someone won’t be encouraged to do things that seems impossible.
The negatives word includes;
(i)                No, this is impossible
(ii)              It is not easy to do
(iii)            Just can’t go about it
(iv)            Can you do it for me?
But when the above listed words are being erased from our MINDS, we will see that exploits will be made through i.e. when we are optimistic with our words.

Lesson 1; we should always be optimistic rather than been pessimistic with our words because our words are POWER.

 THINKING FACULTY: Things will not be right until we are right with our thinking. Many people don’t know that the tactic of getting things done correctly is by thinking in a right way and get ready to face the consequences and risk involved. If we are thinking not to take RISKS then we are preparing NOT TO BE GREAT. Any decision we embark upon in our course of thinking either GOOD OR BAD has a greater influence on our greatness.

Your Thinking Faculty must;
                    i.            Be Right and Wise.
                  ii.            Not be avoiding Risk.
                iii.            Be Positive no matter the situation you find yourself.
               iv.            Not be Narcissistic in nature (think of other).

Lesson 2; It is risky not to take risk because the life we are living in is a RISK ITSELF.

            PERSEVERANCE: When a particular task is to be carried and there is error, that error does       not make us a failure but a chance to EXAMINE, DISCOVER, THINK OVER and QUESTION the cause of the Error in order to ENVISAGE on the SOLUTION to the Error. The spirit of Untried Effort needs to be discouraged in everything worth doing.

  Perseverance is our;

                   I.            Boldness to new ideas.
                 II.            Unacceptable to defeat.
              III.             Fearless to failure.

Lesson 3; we need to be PERSISTENT and CONSISTENT in our doings and fearless of its outcomes.

                                      THE POWER
                                                                            LIVING IN US.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


    Success lies in challenges but failure
    comes when avoiding it.

    Risk is real for success to exist and          exit of failure.
      Being a friend is not an issue but              good character matters most.

    Making a plan without an action is          you wasting effort of success.

       Challenges faced intend to improve         you  but not to provoke you, so face         it squarely.

    Life is not a rosy and smooth place to      live in but challenged to face. 
    Among many foes in one’s life, there      are  always friends to help you out.

    Life is smart to live and also live to          smart.  
    Your action and thinking is who you        are and what you are made of.
        No one wants you but all want                  your success.
        Prayer pays to proceed success.
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